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Week 7: Our solution becomes alive

Hello everyone!

After coming up with two great solutions, this week we had to narrow down to one!

It made us all go and search among end-users and consult with our experts, until we found the chosen one: a match-maker app for pregnant women, meant for creating connections between women sharing the same life state.

After doing so, using the thinking exercises “copy from the best” and “personal assistance” with the main goal of making our solution clearer and better.

It made us think about…

What features do we want to include and how?

What would make the app- the best one?

When would Jenny use the app and what would be her incentive?

How might we assist Jenny create the most accurate connection for her needs?

And many many more…

As our solution becomes alive from one day to another, we feel like our “How might we..” question is more solvable, and we can’t wait for the next week to come!


Another amazing thing that happened- Maya got a job in Microsoft as product manager! We are all so proud of her, and think she is perfect for the job.
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