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Week 6: Ideations & Timeline

Hi, everyone!

Welcome back to our blog, this week we felt fresh and ready to start the second diamond.

The past week was all about looking for solutions that could solve our problem.

First, we have created a detailed daily timeline that helped us understand our end-users routine and their main pain points during the day.

Second, each member of the group wrote on sticky notes the idea that came to his mind. This part is called 'Ideation'; we wrote everything we thought could solve the problem. Then we were put all the notes on a board to see the ideas in a concentrated and clear way. After we wrote all the solutions, we divided them into practical, not practical, and surprising.

As you can see, we constantly remind ourselves the how might we question. We want to be precise in solving our specific problem, so we write the question at each stage so that it helps us stay focused.

After creating the Ideation and the Timeline, we have summarized all the ideas that come up to the table by categories. Then, we went through all the solutions, and from them, we chose two that seemed to us the most correct to solve the problem.

Stay tuned to find out our final solution

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