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Week 14 : Defining Tengo MVP

Hi everyone!

After finally being after the first week of the semester- we can definitely say that WE'RE ON!

This week we’ve were concentrated on our MVP. We asked ourselves and our future clients' questions like:

- What should our main feature be?

- Should our home page present a feed or a simple functionality?

- Should we make any changes to our design and the app criteria?

Besides we went out searching for the best technology platforms, in terms of our knowledge and the availability out in the market.

In class, we were sadly divided into tech and UI\UX, but only after getting the chance of listening to an amazing lecture of UI\UX experts from Amdocs, that made us go even deeper in the search for the best design we can have.

In terms of teamwork- each week brings new challenges, as we progress in the process of creating Tengo, we learn how to divide the work between us, which is not an easy task when each of us is from a different faculty, hometown, and time schedule.

In the following week, we are facing a new challenge- working separately on our very own MVP both from the design and technology sides.

Join us next week to see how it all went, and be a part of Tengo community!

Also, we have met Dikla and Mirav, the UI team from Amdocs, to talk about our app design (also, this time it was on zoom). They helped us a lot and told us many things that got our ideas together. After the meeting, we changed some things and moved to different UI direction.

Stay tuned (:

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